Continuing with its aggressive Bollywood foray, Zee Entertainment Enterprises Ltd (ZEEL’s) content engine, Essel Vision, has signed Himesh Reshammiya for the first time on the film, ‘Heeriye’. The multi-talented musician actor producer Himesh will be the film’s lead and it is the first ever collaboration between Essel Vision and Himesh’s HR Musik.
‘Heeriye’ a beautiful love story
The film is a social, romantic and sensitive drama set in Kanpur with a mesmerizing soundtrack. Essel Vision will go the road less traveled in selecting the heroine of the film by launching an innovative worldwide campaign called ‘#FindingHeeriye’.
“We are excited about this new association with HR Musik for our new film, Heeriye. It’s a beautiful love story with a relevant social message. The film requires a fresh face to play the title role opposite Himesh. We will soon introduce a format where we will use the digital assets of Zee Entertainment to implement this hunt and create an easily accessible platform to discover young talent.” said Akash Chawla, Business Head, Essel Vision.
The film also marks the debut of film-critic turned director Vishal Mishra and also features versatile director and actor Tigmanshu Dhulia in a pivotal role. Heeriye promises to create music that is soulful and melodious. Speaking of Heeriye, an excited Vishal said, "It's a pleasure to have one of the biggest media houses of India backing my maiden directorial venture. It's a unique love story woven in the current social scenario."
Produced by Essel Vision Productions Limited and HR Musik ‘Heeriye’ is all set to go on floors this winter.